Cloud solutions in the business world have a promising future, especially in regards to sustaining business growth. In the recent past, working “on the cloud” seemed futuristic and unattainable for many businesses. Nowadays, most businesses employ the cloud to share information, store data, and even use business-critical applications that reside primarily or entirely on the cloud.
What innovative cloud solutions can businesses expect in the coming months and years? Let’s explore the future of cloud solutions for small and medium businesses.
Secure Storage at Higher Capacity
The cloud is composed of a vast network of servers that allows businesses and individuals to send and store data remotely. The data storage requirements of businesses are increasing all the time, which means the cloud has to grow, too.
According to Cybercrime Magazine, the world will need to store around 200 zettabytes of data by the year 2025. That’s 1 trillion gigabytes of data! That data needs to be secure and encrypted to prevent cybercrime, so look out for higher-security data storage solutions from cloud vendors to deal with the excess demand.
An Expanded Internet of Things: IoE
IoT or Internet of Things refers to networked devices that use the internet, such as smartwatches, internet-enabled alarms, cameras, and even sensors on medical equipment that are networked to other machines.
As the number of connected devices grows, from the previously mentioned crucial sensors to remote monitoring of food production to wireless failsafe devices on factory conveyors, there has to be a new term: the Internet of Everything (IoE). The cloud will support many of these devices in transferring and storing critical data, so you should expect to hear more about IoE in the coming years.
Serverless Solutions
Provisioning and maintaining servers is expensive and time-intensive, hence the inevitable rise of serverless technologies. Incorporating a combination of SaaS applications, micro-services, and Edge computing, serverless solutions are a rapidly accelerating segment of cloud computing.
Hybrid Strategies
Hybrid solutions or multi-cloud solutions are becoming more common than ever. These may have started due to frustrations with vendor-lock-in and cumbersome business subscriptions, but now, many small and medium businesses realize that they can get different specializations from different providers. This has led to businesses working with more than one cloud provider for different reasons, like customer relationship management, marketing, storage, and IT services.
Lower Overheads
One of the primary and growing benefits of effective cloud solutions is that they simply cost less in the long run. Trying to provide all your own digital solutions in-house means hiring data managers and engineers, coding experts, server maintenance teams, not to mention the exorbitant costs of housing and running on-site servers.
As cloud solutions expand and innovate, expect to see even more in-house functions moving off-site and onto the cloud, organically reducing business overheads and making budgeting more manageable.
If your business utilizes cloud solutions in Jacksonville, you may already be using or thinking about using some of these innovations. Prepare your business to embrace cloud computing in these ways and more as the digital online world continues to develop.
Axiom specializes in providing cloud solutions to assist sustaining business growth in Jacksonville, regardless of the size or industry. Get in touch with our team of experts today!