Data Protection in Florida
No matter the circumstance, you can rest assured your Florida business’s data is always protected and secure.
Get Started (904) 853-8853No matter the circumstance, you can rest assured your Florida business’s data is always protected and secure.
Get Started (904) 853-8853Data is the backbone of any business. Securing data properly is a business imperative. Our Nexus backup plan facilitates the protection of data with the use of Veeam Backup and Replication, using an Axiom-provided Veeam controller PC that is installed in your Florida location. This is an enterprise-level backup software product that allows us to securely (thru backup encryption) backup your data to both the local Veeam controller and offsite to secure the cloud facility provided by Wasabi.
The local backups allow for quick restores of your data under most circumstances, such as user deletion of items or an individual failure of equipment. The offsite cloud backups provide total data protection in the event of a catastrophic event at your facilities in Florida, such as a fire or other disaster that renders on-site equipment inoperable. In the unlikely event that something like this happens, we would assist you in replacing equipment and then restoring your data from the cloud to the new equipment. We also provide periodic testing of restores of your data to make sure your data protection is assured. This combination ensures that no matter the circumstance, you can rest assured your data is always protected and secure.
Whether you would like to get your IT streamlined or you just have some questions, you can contact us and we'll be happy to chat with you about your Florida business's IT needs.
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